
Bonus Episode #4 - Thrilling Numbers and Holiday Plans with Kellye!


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Bonus episodes are raw, mostly untouched/unedited content that is meant for fun and not for perfection. It may not be for everyone! 

We can't thank you enough for the surge in downloads and subscribers in November, and we're calling on your support as we march into December, promising to quench your thirst for engaging content every week, despite a slight holdup on our most recent episode.
You've been phenomenal in sharing our podcast - thank you!  We also reveal our plans to tackle a case that sparked the birth of this podcast, a story we've kept in the shadows until we could ensure it's treated with the gravitas it deserves. As we gear up for the holiday season, we'll share how we manage to keep the episodes rolling even when we're out of town. 
Tune in, listen, and enjoy!


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All🎶created by: Uncle Sawyer

Speaker 1:

Hey, some Lawson fam. This is Kelly, and welcome to bonus episode number four, quattro Hey-o. Well, we made it midway through December guys Actually a little bit over halfway through December and I'm gonna apologize upfront and foremost because I was supposed to do a bonus episode closer to the beginning of December so that we could talk about the stats from November and do comments and talk about all that stuff, but it just so happened that an appeal came out on December 6th that I was already planning an episode for the cold case of Courtney Coco, and on the 6th, david Anthony Burns' appeal came back from the 3rd circuit court. So or not the 3rd, I think it was the 5th. Anyway, it came back and I was like well, now is the time, the time is nigh. So that took a little bit longer than I thought, though If you guys follow me on social media, you know that I've struggled for a bit with that episode, not just because of the content, but also because we recorded an entire I think it was two hours worth of content of an episode with Kyler, uncle Sawyer and myself, and I played it back and it was just awful.

Speaker 1:

There was something in the audio that I couldn't edit out, and it was entirely too annoying to try to drown out with either background audio music or some other form of editing. It just wouldn't be going to work. So we had to re-record that with just Uncle Sawyer and myself because Kyler was unfortunately at work. But we got it done. It came out on a Thursday, which is completely and utterly odd, because I don't think anything other than a bonus episode has ever come out on a Thursday, but it's been well received so far.

Speaker 1:

So let's go ahead and get into stats and stuff that I've been wanting to get into and then we'll go on to comments and such and such. So for the month of November I remember talking about it, I think in the last episode that we were talking about October and how we had to get over I think it was 192 or 193 downloads for November to be able to beat October, and you guys smashed it it was 213 total downloads for the month of November. I mean you guys went above and beyond with that, but now December is here and we gotta do the same thing or make it better. So 213 is the number to beat for this month and I'm sure y'all can do it, because I'm trying my best to be able to release content, and I think I have this month so far released one every episode. If not, let's see the one too. Yeah, I think so. Every week I've released one, and especially if I get this one out by tomorrow, today, sunday, if I get it edited and everything and put out tomorrow, then we'll be right on track to have an episode every week this month. So maybe we'll go ahead and hit that number that we need to beat to 214 for December.

Speaker 1:

Now, I understand everybody's about to go on holiday and I mean, but the good part of that is is people hopefully that haven't been able to listen to or haven't caught up yet, maybe on these drives or airplane rides or just around family that they're trying to ignore, they can pop in their headphones and listen to us, right, maybe? Because I mean I'm guilty, I do that. So anyway, we'll see how that goes for the rest of the month. Right now we're on a pretty steady about the same as last month for the downloads for this month. So looking good so far.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to go ahead and go to the YouTube, because that's where I have actual like comments that people have left, and then we'll go to the other reviews and ratings and stuff, and I'll talk about that. So on YouTube right now I have 13 subscribers. I know it's a lot, which is actually, I think, doubled from last month. I don't even know if I talked about it because there were so few. I think I had six last month. Anyway, a couple of comments that we've had on different videos. I think at Nancy LeBlanc 9200, she wrote, quote I enjoyed the podcast and you should look into Dr Gary Boccato and Burgess's or Burgess's colleague and I have a three or four bookmarks of linked pages and things to read over Mr Gary Boccato to see if he's got anything that we can use for the podcast here and we may just squeeze him in regardless.

Speaker 1:

We got another guy and this one was weird because at Thomas Bridges, 6014, wrote quote promo, sm unquote, and I don't know what that means. So, thomas Bridges, if you're listening, comment again, shoot me a message, email me, tweet me or X. I don't know what that means. I don't know how you're supposed to say tweet, send me a tweet, send me an X. I don't. I don't know what that. I don't know how yours, I don't know the language, or TikTok or anything. You just get in touch with me. What the hell was that? What does that mean? I don't. I'm so confused, or, if anybody else knows, let me know. The other one that we have on YouTube was at Beth Sweet, 5137. She said, quote I'm truly enjoying your podcasts, or casts, love the comments and options given within the cast. Unquote. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

I wish I could get more feedback from you guys, because I would love to know if there were things that we do that would that irritate you, or that you know you'd like to hear more of or less of, or if there's just, like you know, critiquing on each one. And the other part that I want to mention right now is there is an app or a podcast platform called Good Pods, and I've mentioned them at the end of my last episode, the Courtney Coco episode, episode 15. I love that platform for one specific reason, and it is because you can rate and review each individual episode. So after you listen to an episode of ours, you could write I didn't like this part, or I loved that you included this, or don't ever say these, whatever you know. However, whatever for each individual episode, and you can also rate the overall show as well on there, which is not as important, but I would love the feedback just in general, because I would love to be able to say go to a specific episode and you know, like, okay, well, they didn't like this, let's change this and like, fix that. You know, whatever. I mean that would be wonderful and I think that would be a that's a great tool.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to have, um, anything special or crazy. You can download it on Apple. Apple, uh, what is it? The App Store and Google Play, and I mean it's free, you don't? It doesn't cost anything. It's, it's really great. And then it also like curates lists and you can make your own list to share with other people. It has like an ongoing or a feed, and they do recommendations for all types of different podcasts. They have lists and rankings for all of the podcasts that are on their platform, like it's just, it's a really cool podcast platform that I think is, uh, very underrated as of right now, and I'm trying to get it out there because I do love. I love the little things that you can do in there that you can't do on other places, so check that out. And, um, now we're going to switch over. Um, since I was talking about Twitter or X? Um, we have 23 followers on there and I can't talk about all of the things.

Speaker 1:

I post videos. Usually I make them on TikTok because it's just easier and what I'll do is I'll just copy that and then put it onto YouTube and put it on to TikTok YouTube shorts and then put it on to Twitter X and share it. That way and you know, I get pretty good reactions and I'm pretty active on X and um, tiktok, tiktok. I usually do at least a video or two a week and then um on X, though I'll be on there pretty frequently because I like to get on there and scroll through and look through all my other, because I follow a lot of other true crime dateline uh, other podcasts and things like that, and I'm constantly and forever, you know, scrolling in my off time just to kind of decompress and we could, we could.

Speaker 1:

We do a lot of fun stuff. You guys can see some of the processes and things that I go through in the uh, the struggles, I guess is a good way to put it. You go check it out. It's fun over there. We try to do fun stuff and keep it kind of keep it in the loop and up to date there, so it's fun. On Twitter we have 23 followers and on TikTok we actually have 86 followers, which I usually catch a couple new ones every time I post anything that has anything to do with our cats.

Speaker 1:

We have two cats right now. One is our mini and her birthday is actually on January 2. She'll be two and UC is our universe cat, which the initial is UC. That's where that comes from. She randomly showed up and just became ours. She just rolled up in my my brother's well, uncle Sawyer. His house is right next to mine and she just kind of showed up one day when the door was open and she hasn't left since. So she's just been adopted and accepted into our family and she now thinks that she is the only one who's supposed to get attention. Ever, and with just within the last couple weeks, within the last two weeks, she has completely stalled my podcasting process, whether it was between research or editing or whatever, what have you. It's like she figures out exactly when I need to actually do things and she decides that she needs attention and only attention. And even if I move her, she will find her way back and lay exactly where I am trying to do things. So those are. I posted a couple of those on on TikTok and X and my YouTube short, so y'all can go check those out.

Speaker 1:

Now we can go over and talk about the the Apple Apple podcast rating and review, because I had a little bit of a freak out I think it was last week actually because I said something about only still only having six ratings and reviews. I only had two at the time, I think, and within that week that I think that I think it was bonus episode three. So I released bonus episode three and within a week it goes from six ratings on Apple podcast to four. So we went the opposite direction of what we were trying to accomplish and so, anyway, I freaked out a little bit. I was like, oh my gosh, so everything is cool. I think when you update it or you have just a rating, and then someone goes back and does a review and a rating, that it takes it off and then updates and brings it back, because now we're back to six. It went down to four and now we're back up to six and it's all good. We're all good and the total six ratings, but we have four reviews.

Speaker 1:

One of them is from legendary underscore Romine has says only complain is that I want more episodes, and I can tell you, just to be full disclosure here, that was Uncle Sawyer and I traded that for I don't even remember. I told him if you go rate and review my podcast, I'll do whatever it is that he was asking. So that was back in June of this year and when we first got started. Now another one we have from October 3rd was from tell me a true crime story podcast, and we have talked about them before. She's great. You also go check, check her out. Tell me a true crime story. She's on all the platforms as well. Hers said title so glad I found you guys.

Speaker 1:

The review itself says fellow podcaster here, keep up the great work bringing us intriguing true crime cases from down in the bayou. Big, big hugs to you too, with the little heart emoji around the smiley face. And then we have another one from December 4th and that says Peyton's, we see which I'll view. Listened to our pontiff white case that you know that that's going to be the we see from there. So basically, what I'm telling you all is all of the reviews that we have right now are either from people that I know, or the one from a fellow podcaster. So anyway, we see said true crime lotto. Exclamation point times three absolutely engaging, well researched and presented by authors you won't be sorry for listening, share and review to keep those awesome Louisiana and southern us stories coming. And the other one was just me testing to see if it would update and I put like different color hearts with Louisiana anyway. So that's all we got.

Speaker 1:

On Apple podcast reviews, there's still only five reviews on Spotify, but at least those are all five, five stars. The six that I have on Apple, five of them are five stars. One of them is one star and the one star left no review. So they just left me one star and no reasoning behind it. So I still don't know why I got the one star, why we got the one star.

Speaker 1:

It's irrelevant at this point, because I think I decided at the end of the Courtney Coco episode that I'm going to stop asking for ratings and reviews and I'm just going to keep asking you guys to keep doing what you're already doing, because I believe right now, basically, if not over 75% of our listeners right now, they are because of word of mouth, that someone listened and they told someone else and that person told and like that I am absolutely more proud of than just random clicks from other people. You know, because we have good ratings or reviews. I would much rather someone find us and listen to us and keep coming back and listening to us because someone enjoyed us so much that they shared it. So big love to everybody that is shared with anybody and everybody, and I appreciate every person that has shared our podcast with someone else and I would appreciate and do appreciate that that is still happening and hopefully it will continue to happen. And if that's how we get whatever amount of listenership that we get, if that's how it happens, then I am 100% here for that and I feel like I could be more proud of that, because that's hard to do. You know, if you grow a podcast or something, anything, any kind of product that you're trying to market, if that comes from word of mouth, and I feel like that that's something to be proud of. So thank you guys. So, so, so much for all of that and you guys appreciate us enough to be able to, and you like us enough to be able to share that with people that you know you care about and you know you value their opinions, so I really, really appreciate that. You guys are awesome.

Speaker 1:

I don't have much else by way of stats and stuff like that. As of right now, for the month of December through. Today is Sunday, the 17th I think we have 131 downloads, according to my main website that I use my host website. Now, if you want to go over and pop over to the Apple podcast stats that they have, in that those come just from Apple podcast. There's always differ a little bit. Now they say that we have 28 followers on Apple podcasts. They say that we have 43 listeners, which are just people that have listened overall, so like their individual signature from, like their specific either device or whatever. And they said we have 845 total plays, which only differs excuse me, only differs from our host website by a little bit. Let me see here Our host website, right now, as of today, says we have 829. So it's a little bit of a discrepancy and I'm not sure why there's such a difference. I think Buzzsprout, my host, is a little bit more stringent on their counting of plays or downloads. So 845 on Apple podcast. But you know either way, I'm just glad that you know we have that many people that actually listen and want to hear and share and things like that. Now Spotify says we have 32 listeners and 23 followers and that we've got a 215 all time streams on their platform, so not too bad looks across the board there. I think Apple podcast is still by far and away the most used app for our podcast listening, but I'm just glad people are listening, listen how you can listen, how you do, and I'm just glad we can make it easily accessible for everybody across all the different devices. So for the rest of the month of December, because we're going to release this episode tomorrow, I'm going to try to make sure he gets edited and get it out in the morning and that'll be that one for this week. Now for the rest of the month.

Speaker 1:

I actually spoke to someone. I was actually at my job and she came in with someone they were doing some paperwork or something and we got to talking and somehow or another, we got on the topic of the podcast. I mentioned that I had one and Nick said the name was Sen Law and she looked at me like what, what? We love your project and she just started talking about her and her mom, how much they love it and how they listen all the time, and I could not have felt more proud and just grateful. It was really cool. It was very, very cool to talk to somebody that had actually listened to the show and I found that really awesome.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, I was talking to her about the show and things, and she was throwing out different cases that she remembered or that they had, you know, they knew about from around here, and she actually mentioned the case that I initially had the idea to start this podcast. They came from a single case that I heard about and it completely consumed me for a few weeks and I kept talking about it and I kept thinking about it and I kept telling all the people in my life about it. And I'm like I've got to tell everybody about this because this is an incredible spider webby, twisty, turning up and down like all of the possible sex money All right, I mean well, yes, and no money, but anyway, there was just so many things, it was so intricate and there was so many details that that made me think like, hey, I could tell people this story. People need to know this story. People like me that love true crime and are fascinated by it need to hear this, and that's the one that she mentioned. And so it kind of brought me back and I've been putting it off, putting off doing it because I want to do justice, I want to do it right, I want to do right by that case and by that family and by the story and all of the things, all of the parts and all of the pieces.

Speaker 1:

And I think what I've come up and the decision that I've made in regards to that case and in regards also that ties back into the rest of this year and through the holidays, because in the first week of January we're actually going to be taking a trip to go see Kyler's family and so we'll be out out of town for about a week from the I don't know first, with the second week somewhere in there, and so I wanted to have episodes lined up that would just be released. I wouldn't have to do anything and I could just kind of keep watch for my phone and do my socials and drop my videos and things as they are released, just to make my life easier and not have to worry about it or stress about that on top of traveling with two children and all of the things. So my idea and what I'm trying to aim and shoot for to have done is, by the end of this coming week, being able to post record, edit and post. It's going to be a three part series. It's going to be part one, part two, part three of the same case, because that, yeah, that's how intricate and detailed this case actually is. It's going to be those three parts of this case and I'm going to release those. It'll be Christmas day, then January 1st and then January 8th, so you'll get 16, 17, 18 parts one, two and three, those three weeks in a row, and then come back, probably on like the 15th of January, that following week, with like a bonus episode just to update for December. And I think that's what we're going to do, because I think it's time and I think that's a good way to end the year and kind of let y'all simmer in that one and see how that goes and also keep me from having to worry too much about it over the holidays and things like that. So if I can get that done and get that out and I'm telling you when I say that that one, that one needs it needs three full parts, it needs three full episodes, probably about 30 to 45 minutes a piece, if not give or take, you know. So, going with that, that's kind of what I got planned. So we'll release this one tomorrow and then you'll have the next three consecutive weeks back to back to back Christmas day, new Year's Day, and then the week after that we'll have a, we'll have that third episode and we'll see how that goes.

Speaker 1:

So, guys, I love every single one of you that listened to me and I appreciate you guys coming back. I appreciate you sharing, I appreciate everything and I'm glad that I found a little bit of a community to be able to share these things with and the episodes that we have lined out for next year. I'm going to start off after this three-part series thing through the beginning of the year. I'm going to start with the listener recommendations that I've already got I've got a lot of research done on those and get those recorded so everybody can, because I want you all to know that I appreciate you and I appreciate you guys giving me these recommendations and things and I try to do those as quickly or as soon as I can relative to when I receive them, because I want you all to know that I do appreciate them and I do. I love getting them.

Speaker 1:

So if you guys come across anything when you're talking with family over the holidays, do let me know.

Speaker 1:

Tiktok, youtube, ex Twitter you can still email me.

Speaker 1:

I check that daily two or three times a day. Good pods you can leave ratings and reviews and stuff on there. I've got those notifications turned on for our podcast. And if you guys just have you know, it can be as little as a name and maybe a year or the crime itself and you can't remember the names, but you know where it was. Location, I mean vague details, whatever it was, I still want to know. So let me know. I will do my best to get those out as soon as I can. And otherwise, if you guys are just curious or have questions, comments, concerns, and just let us know, because that's what I like.

Speaker 1:

I like hearing from you guys. I really, really do. And, like I said, the meeting that the person in person the other day was absolutely incredible. I think I was still kind of floored by that, because she was talking about how much her mom and her both enjoy listening and I just thought that was awesome. So appreciate y'all.

Speaker 1:

You guys have no idea how grateful I am to be able to have this as an outlet, because you know I don't do a lot of stuff for myself and this is one of those things that I enjoy doing. So thank you again and thank you for giving me your time, because I know it is precious, and I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and I hope you guys enjoy the episodes that are coming up. I hope you keep telling everybody about all the ones that you've already heard and let me know what you think If you want to. If you don't, that's fine. Just let other people know if it's good, not if it's bad. I'm just kidding. All right, you guys are awesome. Stay awesome, stay sin-loss-some and enjoy your holidays. Hug your family and eat as much as you want and just enjoy yourselves and stay safe. We'll see you next time. Take care out there.

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